Women's fiction

  • E books,  Historical fiction,  Historical womens fiction,  Women's fiction

    The Queen of Comedy, a tale of Black Hollywood

    I wanted to do something special for African American history month, so I think I’ll release The Queen of Comedy. While there is romance in the book, there’s also a lot of history. It’s an epic, generational tale that spans the 1920s until the present day.

    I’ve posted a five chapter excerpt of The Queen of Comedy and I’m going to have a free download this week on Amazon with fifteen chapters (this book is long). It’s more for those who enjoy fictional history, especially the history of African Americans who were stars and were wealthy during a time period that had barriers, both visible and invisible. In addition, there’s the rivalry between family members when one becomes a bigger star than the other.

    It’s an exploration of family dynamics, and how black women were viewed during that era, especially those who were highly independent.



    Brilliant comic. Flawed woman. One legendary career.

    Most people recognize the face, if not the name. That apple cheeked, rich brown face with the inviting smile that adorns baking products worldwide. Older movie goers fondly recall her role as the friendly, wise cracking maid in over one hundred films. But to her family and spurned lovers, the tongue of Honi Hawkins was brutally uncompromising and anything but funny, as she strived to become THE QUEEN OF COMEDY. ©


  • E books,  Historical fiction,  Middle Grade Fantasy,  New Adult,  Novella,  Paranormal romance,  Scifi,  Women's fiction,  YA Contemporary,  YA Fantasy,  YA historical,  YA Novella

    Seeing RED

    After I put up the post EACH ONE, REACH ONE I decided there was more I needed to do, besides putting links in the sidebar of this site.

    So on this day remembering Martin Luther King Jr, I’m setting up a new site, one that I hope will become a one stop shop if a reader (or author) wants to peruse books with protagonists of color in all genres. The books won’t be sold on the site, but there will be links directing buyers and others to the websites where an author’s work can be purchased. I’m working on the new site now, on another browser. If you’d like to take a peek at what I’ve got so far, the site is


    This is how I’m trying to set it up (columns, video set up, featured books slider)




    Right now I mainly have place holders up. My hope is simply to become an asset for those without advertising budgets, or those new to self publishing, or those who aren’t listed on the front page of Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Maybe I can compile a decent database of authors and their novels. And I’ll have GIFs and book trailers up there also.

    I’d also like to promote sites that review multicultural works, and those that interview authors of color. Hopefully, the site will be fully functional by February 🙂

  • Contemporary Romance,  E books,  New Adult,  Paranormal romance,  Uncategorized,  Women's fiction

    Equal Opportunity Appreciation

    First, here’s the link to a three chapter excerpt from the upcoming ebook  RAZHER, Rise of the Gargoyles excerpt


    I love men, I cannot lie. I find them fascinating, at times infuriating and oh so SEXY. So while I’ve got ebooks pairing African American heroines with white males, rest assured that I haven’t forgotten men of color. There are more ebooks coming out with male protags of Asian, African, African American, Hispanic and First Nations heritage. I’m also starting a series based on five males who share a dorm (suite) in college, but I think it will be in serial form, and housed on this site for the first few chapters.

    My goal is to tie in characters from other books who pop up every now and then. I’m also still editing away, because a writer’s work is never done, especially if you write and edit your own books (like I do). I’m also working on promos so that I lessen the eye strain of editing text only, and here’s a peek at a few of them:





  • Adult Novella,  Adult Novellas,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Historical fiction,  New Adult,  Paranormal romance,  Women's fiction,  YA Paranormal

    A big Thank You to readers outside of the U.S.

    I’m very grateful to all the readers who purchase my ebooks, and I have noticed readers buying from other countries.

    One of my many goals in writing and self publishing concerns having a lead female character from outside of the United States. For 2014, the Caribbean Islands represented in each of the three books below are:

    Love and Baseball – Barbados

    The Player – Trinidad

    Game. Set. Love. – Jamaica



    In addition, I have ebooks that didn’t come out last year, but I hope to have out in early 2014 with female lead characters from other parts of the world:

  • Adult Novella,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Historical fiction,  Novella,  Paranormal romance,  Scifi,  Urban Fantasy,  Women's fiction

    Scifi Sampler is live on Amazon

    While the Scifi Sampler is live, the free download won’t kick in until tomorrow, Dec 19th. The excerpts will be free from the 19th until Saturday,  Dec 21st.

    Scifi Excerpts



    This weekend I hope to have up multi-chapter excerpts from Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles, Gaijin and RUSH on Amazon.com


    Razher promo small copy




    GAIJIN ebook cover




    Gaijin – A Colored Maiden’s Voyage and Recollections of Japan in the 1860s




    RUSH – motorcycle gang member falls for Somali Refugee


  • E books,  New Adult,  Novella,  Paranormal romance,  Women's fiction,  YA Paranormal

    Cover Reveals and a snippet from Razher II

    I love creating covers and promos. I learned Photoshop (my daughter was so patient with me 🙂 ) but I also work with Paint.net. The covers serve as both ads for upcoming releases, and to showcase the beauty and variety among of women of color.

    The Player



    Sequel to The Stone Boy, The Stone Hero takes place over five years later



    The Stone Hero is the sequel to The Stone Boy. All the characters from The Stone Boy are back, and it gives me a chance to introduce a deaf Afro-Cuban teen named Trayvon Wilfredo Lima who has his own book:

    Unspoken ebook cover



    Now, here’s a scene from Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles:

  • Adult Novella,  Blog,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Scifi,  Urban Fantasy,  Women's fiction

    Two Queens and a Knight



    Finishing up more editing on Queensrealm and The Queen of Comedy.  It’s the battle of the sexes (Queensrealm) vs. A war of words between comedic relatives (TQOC). I’m debating whether to release OFFWORLD next, but first I have to get familiar with Amazon’s categories and key words for scifi, urban fantasy and scifi romance.

    The Queen of Comedy takes center stage



    The Queen of Comedy


    New Queensrealm ebook cover copy



    More ebook covers:

    New Adult scifi HAZE mock up cover