YA Fantasy
Werewolves Rule, Bruh
I was so excited when I saw this poster, because I thought WOLVES would be a weekly TV series starring Jason Momoa.
It’s not, but who knows? Perhaps it will be. Right now its a soon to be released film about werewolves.
I couldn’t resist doing some photo editing:
I love Werewolves, and I’ve been a fan ever since the old black and white classic with Lon Chaney Jr. started playing on television. Lon wasn’t a Werewolf though. He was a Wolf Man. But his angst over becoming a monster by the light of the full moon and hurting the woman he loved was way before the whole Interview with the Vampire and Twilight craze (No surprise that I was team Jacob from the get-go).
- Middle Grade Fantasy, New Adult, YA Contemporary, YA Fantasy, YA historical, YA Novella, YA Paranormal
Lee and Low New Visions Award
The Lee and Low New Visions Award opened on June 1st. The deadline is Oct 31st.
I’ve listed the details here: Lee and Low 2014 new Visions Award
Here’s the link to the Lee and Low website and the page listing the contest:
Lee and Low 2014 New Visions Award
Cover Reveal and Books for Boys
Andre Santana gets his own ebook:
Click for a larger view:
Because Andre Santana is a recurring character in several other books (he’s in Razher and Confessions of a Shapeshifter. He’s also got a cameo in Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles) I’d always planned to have a spin off book for Andre AKA Dre AKA Cadaver Dawg, and now I’ve completed the cover.
Some other books featuring males:
- E books, Historical fiction, Middle Grade Fantasy, New Adult, Novella, Paranormal romance, Scifi, Women's fiction, YA Contemporary, YA Fantasy, YA historical, YA Novella
Seeing RED
After I put up the post EACH ONE, REACH ONE I decided there was more I needed to do, besides putting links in the sidebar of this site.
So on this day remembering Martin Luther King Jr, I’m setting up a new site, one that I hope will become a one stop shop if a reader (or author) wants to peruse books with protagonists of color in all genres. The books won’t be sold on the site, but there will be links directing buyers and others to the websites where an author’s work can be purchased. I’m working on the new site now, on another browser. If you’d like to take a peek at what I’ve got so far, the site is
This is how I’m trying to set it up (columns, video set up, featured books slider)
Right now I mainly have place holders up. My hope is simply to become an asset for those without advertising budgets, or those new to self publishing, or those who aren’t listed on the front page of Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Maybe I can compile a decent database of authors and their novels. And I’ll have GIFs and book trailers up there also.
I’d also like to promote sites that review multicultural works, and those that interview authors of color. Hopefully, the site will be fully functional by February 🙂
Razher’s sequel is coming
Murder. Betrayal. Fang envy. Even though the sequel to Razher has been pushed back until November, part two is on its way.
I’ll get a few excerpts up as soon as I can. There will also be an excerpt of the New Adult romantic suspense novella Before I Let Go up shortly:
Asian Men Deserve More . . .
This BUZZFEED article is a must read! Asian men need more representation, not just on film, but in books:
BOYS ‘N LOVE AND MAGIC has Malia Toussaint paired with Corey Yune.
In VALKYRIE JONES, Valencia Perez is paired with Kai Ioki:
FURIES excerpt is up!
Saturdays are for editing and digital art
What I’m up to: Editing
How I pace myself: Creating digital art to use as book promos