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Werewolves Rule, Bruh

I was so excited when I saw this poster, because I thought WOLVES would be a weekly TV series starring Jason Momoa.

Wolves poster. The film is set for release this year (2014)


It’s not, but who knows? Perhaps it will be. Right now its a soon to be released film about werewolves.

I couldn’t resist doing some photo editing:

Werewolves rule edited small copy2


I love Werewolves, and I’ve been a fan ever since the old black and white classic with Lon Chaney Jr. started playing on television. Lon wasn’t a Werewolf though. He was a Wolf Man. But his angst over becoming a monster by the light of the full moon and hurting the woman he loved was way before the whole Interview with the Vampire and Twilight craze (No surprise that I was team Jacob from the get-go).

Andre Santana gets his own ebook titled American Werewolf
Andre Santana gets his own ebook titled American Werewolf


Andre Santana, a Werewolf featured in RAZHER
Andre Santana, a Werewolf featured in RAZHER



So far, the werewolves of UNDERWORLD are the best ones rendered on film imho. And Kevin Grevioux, the deep gravelly voiced actor who played a bad-ass werewolf in the film co-wrote the story. If I’m not mistaken I think he’s the initial creator, or basically he came up with the idea for UNDERWORLD. I’ll find the link and post his interview with Shadow and Act.

Kevin Grevioux is the creator of Underworld. He also played a werewolf in the series
Kevin Grevioux is a co-creator of the Underworld series. He also played a werewolf in the first and third film.


Here’s the link, but you can click the photo above to go directly to the Shadow and Act article.


Here’s who imdb (internet movie data base) lists as writers:

Kevin Grevioux…(story) and Len Wiseman…(story) &Danny McBride…(story) Danny McBride…(screenplay)

What’s also really cool is that Kevin is a cartoonist, and he has a degree in Microbiology.

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