YA historical
- Middle Grade Fantasy, New Adult, YA Contemporary, YA Fantasy, YA historical, YA Novella, YA Paranormal
Lee and Low New Visions Award
The Lee and Low New Visions Award opened on June 1st. The deadline is Oct 31st.
Lee and Low New Visions Award 2014 I’ve listed the details here: Lee and Low 2014 new Visions Award
Here’s the link to the Lee and Low website and the page listing the contest:
Lee and Low 2014 New Visions Award
- Contemporary Romance, E books, Historical fiction, New Adult, Paranormal romance, Urban Fantasy, YA Contemporary, YA historical, YA Paranormal
NA Sneak Peeks are FREE this weekend!!
The following New Adult Ebook Excerpts are free for downloading this weekend (Saturday May 10th and Sunday May 11th).
Here’s your chance to read about the volatile bad boy Derek Keane from the NA contemporary The Stone Boy:
The Stone Boy featuring lovers Nicole and Derek JUKEBOX has The Burr Brothers, Eli and Johnny, two rockabilly teens who switch musical genres to perform as soul men, and along with the female classmate they both love, all three make history in the process.
JUKEBOX principal characters. Eli, Simone and Johnny - E books, Historical fiction, Middle Grade Fantasy, New Adult, Novella, Paranormal romance, Scifi, Women's fiction, YA Contemporary, YA Fantasy, YA historical, YA Novella
Seeing RED
After I put up the post EACH ONE, REACH ONE I decided there was more I needed to do, besides putting links in the sidebar of this site.
So on this day remembering Martin Luther King Jr, I’m setting up a new site, one that I hope will become a one stop shop if a reader (or author) wants to peruse books with protagonists of color in all genres. The books won’t be sold on the site, but there will be links directing buyers and others to the websites where an author’s work can be purchased. I’m working on the new site now, on another browser. If you’d like to take a peek at what I’ve got so far, the site is
This is how I’m trying to set it up (columns, video set up, featured books slider)
Right now I mainly have place holders up. My hope is simply to become an asset for those without advertising budgets, or those new to self publishing, or those who aren’t listed on the front page of Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Maybe I can compile a decent database of authors and their novels. And I’ll have GIFs and book trailers up there also.
I’d also like to promote sites that review multicultural works, and those that interview authors of color. Hopefully, the site will be fully functional by February 🙂
JUKEBOX Volume One, paperback release this month
JUKEBOX – Official release on June 5th
Now that Jukebox is no longer in the running for one of the top three slots in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards, I’m releasing the ebook Tuesday, June 5th and using the semi-finalist status for marketing purposes.
I’m still trying to figure out how to add the back cover to Kindle 🙂 so I’ve downloaded a few tools to study, like Mobi and Calibre.
Back cover of JUKEBOX Volume One Congrats to the finalists in YA fiction and General fiction! Please go to Amazon and read their excerpts so you can vote for the winners in these two categories.
First Read: JUKEBOX
There’s a five chapter excerpt up on Amazon.com for JUKEBOX. This is a three series novel, and the first book will go on sale this
Friday, March 9th.Scratch that. TBA looks more realistic.I’ve updated this post because the full novel has been released (June 5th). The image below is of the excerpt as I studied up on creating an ebook. That’s why its called First Read: JUKEBOX Excerpt:
JUKEBOX excerpt on Amazon Kindle This has been quite a learning process (writing, editing and then researching how to properly format an E book).
[promoslider category="Historical YA" width="231px" height="410px” start_on="first" time_delay="3"]
I’m working on editing the other novels for release this month, two paranormal romances and another historical, this time about a family of entertainers titled The Queen of Comedy.
We’re up! But not really. . .
I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t push that Kindle Publish button because of a few formatting errors. They bothered me so badly that I plan to get to them this weekend (my job is super busy at this time so I can’t focus solely on writing).
So please have a bit more patience, because putting out an inferior product just won’t do. JUKEBOX is the first novel of a three book series following these characters.
I hope to have the first book available for purchase this weekend.UPDATE: Chapter excerpts and the ebook are now available on Amazon: JUKEBOX Volume One
JUKEBOX principal characters. Eli, Simone and Johnny -
Rockabilly meets sultry soul, as two singers team up to become the ultimate duo in the early sixties. E book look inside excerpt can be found here: