Women's fiction

  • Adult Novella,  Blog,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Women's fiction

    A Quiet Riot

    First, congratulations to the Jackie Robinson West team for winning the 2014 US Little League Championship!!

    2014 US Little League World Champs! They're so CUTE!
    2014 US Little League Champs! They’re so CUTE!


    They hail from Chicago, so go Chi-town! Next up is a formidable team from South Korea. All the teams should be proud of their sportsmanship, parental and fan support, and love for the game which was on full display.

    I think this pic shows what else I’ve been up to:


    RIOT small copy with watermark copy
    RIOT – A black officer is caught between the community she serves and the thin blue line she must uphold.


    This will be a continuing serial on my blog, but it won’t be set in Ferguson. It’ll be in a fictional town where everyone believes race is no problem, until it is.

  • Adult Novella,  Blog,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Excerpts,  Women's fiction

    Funkin’ for Jamaica

    An excerpt from Game.Set.Love will be up this weekend. It’s been posted, so just click the photo to read it:

    Game.Set.Love. Adult Novella
    Game.Set.Love. Adult Novella

    And since the heroine, Sinead Landon hails from Jamaica, I thought I’d add this old skol video with the song by Tom Browne:



    A new chapter of The Men of Hilton Hall will be up shortly, and I’m also putting up an excerpt from Make Me Yours, a spin-off from RUSH, featuring a group of Somali Bantu refugees. I hope to have that up tonight. It’s already up, please click the photo to be redirected to the page.

    Make Me Yours. African American divorcee fall for her Somali Bantu college professor.
    Make Me Yours. African American divorcee falls for her Somali Bantu college professor


    I’ve been busy working my nine to five and also editing a number of books (Gaijin, Razher II, The Player, Queensrealm and Furies). I don’t release a book until I’m satisfied that I’ve done the very best I can, and since I’m up against a deadline with The Player, I’m off to do more editing!

  • Adult Novella,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Paranormal romance,  Urban Fantasy,  Women's fiction

    There will be blood

    First an update on Aaliyah’s story from the sequel to RUSH.

    I’ve found a stock image for the character of Amelle, though I don’t have my title for the book truly set yet. Right now I’m just calling it RUSH 2:

    RUSH 2: Aaliyah and Aiden's story continues.
    RUSH 2: Aaliyah and Aiden’s story continues and Amelle’s tale begins


    Aaliyah made a number of decisions in book one that affected her family and their standing in the Somali Bantu community. But more important, she strayed from her religion. Book two explores what the repercussions are and how she and Aiden deal with them. Aiden has questions and concerns regarding how close Aaliyah and Turk became while he was away, as Turk’s presence is still felt even though he’s nowhere to be found. That’s all I’ll reveal for now, but the Suicide Kings re-form with a surprising new leader.

    Suicide Kings patch copy Blk and White small size

     Also nearing a release date:


    Confessions of a Shapeshifter cast. Julian Armitage Larouche, the Victorian era vampire, Kris, the dark child, and Andre Santana, the werewolf
    Confessions of a Shapeshifter cast. Julian Armitage Larouche, the Victorian era vampire, Kris, the dark child, and Andre Santana, the werewolf
  • E books,  Historical fiction,  Women's fiction

    The Return of Black Cool & RIP Maya Angelou

    There was a time when men and women (including African Americans) wore tuxedos and gowns on stage and on television. It’s that time period that’s revisited in the novel The Queen of Comedy. There’s a free sneak peek of the novel on Amazon, and it will be available on Kindle for free on these dates: May 31st, June 1st and June 2nd.


    The Temptations, circa 1965
    The Temptations, circa 1965



    Maya Angelou promo picture
    Maya Angelou promo picture

    “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.” – Maya Angelou  (1928-2014)


    The LA Times has a tribute to Maya Angelou that Dear Author listed this week:

    Maya Angelou’s TV legacy, from ‘Roots’ to ‘Sesame Street,’ ‘Super Soul’



    I’m taking a few more days to work on Queensrealm, but The Queen of Comedy will also be released in June


    Poster for The Queen of Comedy
    Poster for The Queen of Comedy



  • Adult Novella,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Uncategorized,  Women's fiction

    More FUBU books, and down to the wire

    I’ve put up excerpts from The Player and The 13th Step.

    The Player
    The Player



    The 13th Step would be categorized as women’s fiction, though there is an erotic relationship in the book. It’s also part suspense and features an older heroine (she’s forty-five). Click either photo for a blurb and an excerpt.

    The 13th Step cover


    More to come . . .