• Blog,  E books,  Paranormal romance,  YA Fantasy

    Next week is Paranormal Week!

    Next week two paranormal romances will be released.  Sorry, editing (or what I like to call “don’t release it to the public even after the 20th edit) is compulsive for me. I’m never satisfied. So I’m tentatively looking at sometime next week to release this book. Unfortunately that throws off the other releases.


    First up is RAZHER, a Young Adult Paranormal ebook:


    Alpha Girls Series Book One: RAZHER


    Her book will be released on Wednesday, June 20th.


    An adult paranormal ebook will be released on Friday, June 22nd  TBA. This book is EPIC. It’s over 100,000 words and a djinn is the main character. However, that fine werewolf Andre Santana’s origins are revealed in this book. If I had a wish list regarding who would play the main characters in a movie, I’d like Michael Fassbender (lovesick Victorian Era Vampire in a modern world), Paula Patton (as the female djinn he searches for) and Lee Thompson Young as Andre Santana (a newly turned “lone Wolf” who teams up with the vampire).


    Michael Fassbender



    Paula Patton



    Lee Thompson Young



    There are three epic novels coming out this summer. The Queen of Comedy, this adult paranormal and a scifi novel.

  • Blog,  E books

    The WikKid SeXy Cool Book sampler

    I’ve been toying with this idea, a sort of “try it before you buy it” that consists of several opening chapters of heroines from both the paranormal and contemporary novels that are almost ready. I say “almost” because the job of finding typos and making sure scenes flow smoothly is never ending. Just when you think you’ve got them all, you realize typos are your kryptonite (well, at least I do. I can’t speak for other writers). And sure, I’ve caught typos as well as seriously WTH mistakes in some major novels from the big publishing houses, but since I’m also an avid reader, things like that can pull you right out of the story. I also noticed that the “Look Inside” feature shows several chapters of JUKEBOX in italics, however the file was not sent that way. I’ve been in contact with Amazon regarding fixing this, and now all I can do is wait. 

    Hooray! I got an email today (June 11th) from amazon. They’ve corrected the Look inside! portion of the novel.

    But with so many ebooks now on the market, trying to stand out from the crowd will be tough. I’ll be calling on a few twitter friends to help market the novels.  For the sampler I plan on having five chapters from these novels:


    HEAVEN – Incarcerated teen and wounded marine bond over the therapy dog they both love.


    Heaven book cover


    The Queen of Comedy – A comic recalls his competitive relationship with his more famous aunt (adult historical romance)

    RAZHER – After fleeing an arranged marriage, a female she-wolf teams with a Russian vampire, disrupting the criminal operations of both their species.

    Bender – Katrina survivor begins his training as a lesser djinn under the tutelage of a powerful Genie. (middle grade)


    I wanted to add this to the end of JUKEBOX Volume one, but that ebook has a word count of over 88,000. So the sampler can also servce as a marketing tool.

  • Blog,  E books,  Paranormal romance,  YA historical,  YA Novella

    JUKEBOX – Official release on June 5th

    Now that Jukebox is no longer in the running for one of the top three slots in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards, I’m releasing the ebook Tuesday, June 5th and using the semi-finalist status for marketing purposes.




    I’m still trying to figure out how to add the back cover to Kindle 🙂 so I’ve downloaded a few tools to study, like Mobi and Calibre.


    Back cover of JUKEBOX Volume One




    Congrats to the finalists in YA fiction and General fiction! Please go to Amazon and read their excerpts so you can vote for the winners in these two categories.


  • E books,  YA Fantasy,  YA Novella

    A Very Busy Summer

    Summer is almost here!

    So more time can be devoted to my multicultural ebooks and covers. I created a teaser/mock up of a new teen heroine. She’s a Shieldmaiden in training and her ebook, like Razher’s will be out this summer:


    Valkyrie Jones, Shield Maiden of Earth and Asgaard


    If you haven’t seen The Avengers yet, I urge you to do so. It’s funny, fast paced and a comic book geek’s dream (like me and my family).

  • Blog

    A Semi-finalist on Amazon

    Well, this was a surprise. JUKEBOX is a semifinalist in this year’s Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards.

    Last year HEAVEN was a quarterfinalist, so its nice to go one step further. However, I need to stick to the plan of getting out the finished novels, so I’m happy to say the Paranormal and Scifi books (with minority protags) should be out shortly.

    I’ve finished up editing JUKEBOX Vol 1, and plan on including excerpts of the other novels in the back of this ebook with a sneak peek at JUKEBOX Vol. 2.  I hope to gain a bit more publicity for the other novels while JUKEBOX is still in the running at Amazon (however, the final three will be announced on May 22nd, so that may be the end of my run in the competition, but I’m glad for the experience).

    Anyway, here’s a cover mock up of the slave falls for samurai upcoming ebook:


    Gaijin is not the final title, since the timeperiod of the book is earlier than the known use of the word. Also, I think I’d rather have the male without anything on his face and body so I need to do some airbrushing.


  • E books,  YA historical

    First Read: JUKEBOX

    There’s a five chapter excerpt up on Amazon.com for JUKEBOX. This is a three series novel, and the first book will go on sale this Friday, March 9th. Scratch that. TBA looks more realistic.


    I’ve updated this post because the full novel has been released (June 5th). The image below is of the excerpt as I studied up on creating an ebook. That’s why its called First Read: JUKEBOX Excerpt:

    JUKEBOX excerpt on Amazon Kindle

    This has been quite a learning process (writing, editing and then researching how to properly format an E book).

    [promoslider category="Historical YA" width="231px" height="410px” start_on="first" time_delay="3"]

    I’m working on editing the other novels for release this month, two paranormal romances and another historical, this time about a family of entertainers titled The Queen of Comedy.