WSC Book Sampler
The WSC Book Sampler is almost complete. I think the change to this mock up cover will be a different background. But I’m also going to write a blog post to give easy to follow instructions on how an author/cover creator can use a few programs like (which is free) or even Adobe Elements (not free, but not costly) to make their own cover designs.
Just click the image for a larger view:

I’ve also decided that this model is my inspiration for Kai, Loki’s son. He will be paired with Valencia Perez AKA Valkyrie Jones:

More ebooks with Adult protags are coming. An excerpt will be up shortly for these books:
The Queen of Comedy, Confessions of a Shapeshifter, Queens Realm and the novella A Song for You:

R&B singer Donnell “Don Juan” Haskins was called a one hit wonder back in the 80s, but he’s been able to tour and pay his child support based on his catchy tune. Over the years he’s been trying to get back to the top of the charts, wanting to experience the thrill of being an in demand celebrity again. When his youngest daughter joins him on tour and remixes his song so that it’s a hit for a new generation, will Donnell be able to share the spotlight? Or will a second shot at fame drive both his daughters away, just when they were getting close to him? ©