The Anti-heroine
I’ve got two versions of the same bad ass anti-heroine. In the first pic, she’s got lion teeth. The second pic was actually the one I’d edited first, but she looked too much like a vampire (or werewolf with the bottom teeth), so I changed it to better represent her species, which is Panthera Leo. The lion teeth may be a bit too big for my taste, so I may just go with my first edit (plus the teeth are whiter).
Lioness, an anti-heroine from the paranormal ebook FERAL Meet Lioness, the royal head of House Panthera Leo from the ebook FERAL Just a few of my anti-heroines:
More FUBU books, and down to the wire
I’ve put up excerpts from The Player and The 13th Step.
The Player The 13th Step would be categorized as women’s fiction, though there is an erotic relationship in the book. It’s also part suspense and features an older heroine (she’s forty-five). Click either photo for a blurb and an excerpt.
More to come . . .
More GIFS and excerpts on the way!
So, the site is back up, though I didn’t get to do all my updates. Some of the plugins I use don’t play well with the new version of WordPress. Anyway, I’m hard at work continuing with a final (hopefully final) edit on Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles. I wanted to put up an excerpt this past weekend, but I missed my deadline, so I’ll try for Thursday, December 26th.
To pace myself I’ve been creating more covers and GIFS. A novella I’m excited about is “A Mighty Good Man” with a hero named Denzel “Denny” Mercado. He’s paired with a young lady who doesn’t believe guys like Denny exist.
I found a few more models for my 2014 covers. Here’s just one of them :
Race and Romance
I’ve decided to write a few blogs posts regarding Race and Romance, to be housed in another section of this site. I hope to put up the first post this Saturday, since I’m using the long weekend off from work to hunker down and get more stories finished.
A few novellas I’ve created covers for that I’m currently working on are below, and they feature a number of older characters. I think all these models are stunningly beautiful women and I’m committed to the creation of works that feature diversity, but also making certain my covers represent not just African American women, but women of color from around the globe who are far too often under-represented in romance:
Valerius Rex, a sword and sandals tale set during the Fourth Crusade -
Imprisoned teen and wounded Marine bond over therapy dog. E book and hard Cover availability TBA.