Adult Novella,  Contemporary Romance,  E books

The Ex-lover versus the New Lover

I’m planning on releasing The Player at the same time I release QUEENSREALM, because they’re in two different genres. I hope to release a multi-chapter Sneak Peek excerpt of The Player this week.

Trinidad beauty queen falls for NFL quarterback
Trinidad beauty queen falls for NFL quarterback



And I think I’ve found the right stock photo for the character of Ozzy, who’s a hit making rapper (the photo below is an edited frame I plan on using for the animated GIF):

the Great Oz copy2
Rapper and ex-husband named Ozzy, from the ebook The Player


I’ve already come up with a sequel that follows their young daughter, a teen who tries to make a name for herself in the world of dance.

Whirly Girl, the novella sequel to The Player, featuring Ozzy and Harlow's daughter Reina
Whirly Girl, the YA novella sequel to The Player, featuring Ozzy and Harlow’s daughter Reina




The Player
The Player


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