A Hard Day’s Write
So . . . I finally linked the GIF I’d created for RUSH to a free excerpt page. Instead of putting up the same GIF on this post, I’m linking it to the new photos of Aaliyah and Aiden that I’ve edited:
My breasts are like new buds on a tree, yet men continue to stare, wondering aloud what delights I hide from them under my hijab. I have two arms and two legs like other girls, but sometimes my classmates taunt us, saying we have horns and tails and no one stops them, not even my teachers. Students join in the laughter, making me think that high school will be hard, even harder than the refugee camp. There I knew what I faced each day. I knew when my stomach spoke, only food would quiet it. But here, there is always something new to learn. And each day I must choose between what is haraam – forbidden, unlawful – and halaal.
– Aaliyah, from the ebook RUSH

This was a hard book to write on so many levels. However I still wanted to “go there” with the characters, so the story is romantic but there are also some hard truths that both characters must face about themselves, especially as they plan a future together. Also, while I use the term “hijab” in the short excerpt from Aaliyah, a Bantu woman’s headscarf is called a shaash dango. I used “hijab” because its more familiar to American readers (Bantu customs and dress are in the book). That’s all I’ll say for now.
I’m taking just as much care with Gaijin and Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles since both these books have a few dark passages. I’m aiming for this Wednesday to release The Queen of Comedy (I’ve decided not to do the additional Amazon free Sneak Peek, I’m just gonna release it) but if not Wednesday, it’s coming out before this month ends.
I’ve also finished up The 13th Step and Sisters of Mercy, so I’ll put up their excerpts shortly.