E books,  Scifi

The WSC Scifi Sampler

Download December continues with a six chapter excerpt from QUEENSREALM, and a three chapter excerpt from ENDWORLD available tomorrow and Monday, Dec 15th-16th on Amazon.   Sorry, I have to change that to December 16th and 17th. Strike that. December 18th and 19th appear more realistic, because I want to do one more edit to double check for typos.



Tagline from QUEENSREALM: A Woman is a Weapon



I’m posting both the code and an example of the first GIF:





<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”http://wikkidsexycool.com”><img  class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-2770″ title= “WSC-Promo-GIF1” src=”http://wikkidsexycool.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/WSC-Promo-GIF1.gif alt=”” width= “115 height= “115 /></a></p>


The file size of this GIF is 41.54K

The dimensions are 115w X 115h

I tried to make it small enough for most websites and email sites.

Google allows a drop and drag into an email. Most sites have instructions on how to upload a GIF and the max file size. More info to come.


Next weekend excerpts from Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles, Gaijin and RUSH will be up on Amazon.



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