• Adult Novella,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Excerpts

    A new Hui excerpt and more digital promos

    Listening to: Music by Ed Sheeran “I See Fire”


    I worked on a few more promos this weekend, and  I’ve got another excerpt from the ebook HUI


    Imani and Hui from the ebook HUI
    Imani and Hui from the ebook HUI
    Korean ballet dancer falls for African American ballerina in the ebook HUI
    Korean ballet dancer falls for African American ballerina in the ebook HUI
















    “When I dance with Ming-ju, I think of how I am dancing with you.”

    His statement shocked her. “You . . . you pretend it’s me and you dancing?”

    “Yes.” Considering the way he was expectantly staring, it was time to reveal her feelings. “I think you already know how I-I . . . I mean with the way I jumped your bones in the shoe manager’s office-” Blushing, Imani dropped her eyes and her voice as she continued. “I wasn’t exactly subtle about how much I like you.”

    “I like you too, I-mani.”

    That sultry smile of hers was back, as their abrupt kiss kept replaying in her mind. “If we had to know how to pronounce your name, you need to know that my name is sorta like Emma, only it’s spelled with an i and not an e. M’mani.” When they moved towards each other Imani glanced around, noticing something was different. “Where’s your bodyguard and that other guy, the interpreter?”

  • Adult Novella,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Paranormal romance,  Urban Fantasy,  Women's fiction

    There will be blood

    First an update on Aaliyah’s story from the sequel to RUSH.

    I’ve found a stock image for the character of Amelle, though I don’t have my title for the book truly set yet. Right now I’m just calling it RUSH 2:

    RUSH 2: Aaliyah and Aiden's story continues.
    RUSH 2: Aaliyah and Aiden’s story continues and Amelle’s tale begins


    Aaliyah made a number of decisions in book one that affected her family and their standing in the Somali Bantu community. But more important, she strayed from her religion. Book two explores what the repercussions are and how she and Aiden deal with them. Aiden has questions and concerns regarding how close Aaliyah and Turk became while he was away, as Turk’s presence is still felt even though he’s nowhere to be found. That’s all I’ll reveal for now, but the Suicide Kings re-form with a surprising new leader.

    Suicide Kings patch copy Blk and White small size

     Also nearing a release date:


    Confessions of a Shapeshifter cast. Julian Armitage Larouche, the Victorian era vampire, Kris, the dark child, and Andre Santana, the werewolf
    Confessions of a Shapeshifter cast. Julian Armitage Larouche, the Victorian era vampire, Kris, the dark child, and Andre Santana, the werewolf
  • Blog,  E books,  Historical fiction,  Paranormal romance,  Urban Fantasy,  YA Novella

    JUKEBOX Volume Two

    A bit of a teaser for JUKEBOX Volume Two, set for release in September.

    Country deep Southern Rock, the first sighting of Glitter and Glam, and Soul Music gets downright Funky.  Simone, Eli and Johnny are forever changed during the decade of free love, black power and violent protests over the Vietnam War.

    While JUKEBOX Volume one was a YA novel, Volume Two is an adult historical.


    JUKEBOX Volume Two



    Also, a free excerpt of the paranormal serial novella RAZHER will be up this week!


    Alpha Girls Series Book One: RAZHER