Promoting Diversity, one ebook at a time



I’ve really got to put some posts on the blog portion of this site. But I will say, that what I’ve attempted to do is put out more excerpts to promote upcoming ebooks, since I don’t get the chance to do as much marketing as I’d like.

One of my priorities has been to focus on more diverse young adult material, because as I researched what was out there, books with a teen minority lead were greatly outnumbered by books featuring non-minority protags and supporting characters. The same thing is happening in the recently popular genre of New Adult, and so that’s why most of the offerings here are currently geared to the Young Adult genre. However, that’s about to change, as I’m going to put up excerpts featuring adult protagonists and release ebooks featuring older characters.

I hope you’ll enjoy reading them just as much as I loved writing them.



The Queen of Comedy



GAIJIN ebook cover
GAIJIN ebook cover


Confessions of a Shapeshifter



QUEENSREALM - A woman is a weapon
QUEENSREALM – A woman is a weapon



Immortal Beloved



A Song for You


Make Me Yours. African American divorcee fall for her Somali Bantu college professor.
Make Me Yours. African American divorcee falls for her Somali Bantu college professor.



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