Wikkid.Sexy.Cool Books


What’s the purpose of this site?

This is an individual site, with books that I’ve written or that I’m working on, and also novels I’ve co-authored with my daughter. The book covers are created in-house. After purchasing the photos I usually do the editing via paint.net or Photoshop. I also create the promos and GIF ads. I work full time and write part-time.

Proceeds from my novels are used to purchase film equipment. **UPDATE** Proceeds from ebooks were crucial in the purchase of two digital film cameras and needed accessories!! Heartfelt thanks for the support! Now is the time for minority writers to become screenwriters, and to be the change we want to see.


What are your novels about?

Book blurbs give more information on each novel, but we’re passionate about diversity in the worldbuilding and characters. The books focus on plot, multicultural leads and romance.


Where can they be purchased?

For now, via Amazon’s Kindle Store. There will be a link on this site redirecting anyone who wishes to purchase an ebook.

Paperbacks will be available through Create-space, though I’m currently exploring other options.


How much are your novels?

Excerpts will be priced under a dollar. For full length novels (over 60,000 words) prices vary (usually $2.99). Some excerpts are listed on this site under FREE CHAPTER VIEWS


When will they be available?

The dates for each novel will be announced on this site.

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