• Blog,  E books,  YA Contemporary

    Another delay for HEAVEN


    Pencil sketch of HEAVEN book cover


    HEAVEN’s release date had to be pushed back due to circumstances out of my control (my nine to five has really gotten hectic, so all my attention, even the hours I’d usually spend editing and proof-reading are now filled with take home work). June 15th  The end of June looks more realistic, and gives me breathing room to catch any typos or passages that don’t flow well.

    I’ve extended the free book excerpt by 15 more pages. Here’s where you can read up to seven chapters of HEAVEN

    Heaven. Teen inmate and wounded Marine bond over the service dog they both love.
  • Blog,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  New Adult

    Finally . . . HEAVEN

    This book was supposed to be out last year, but there was a secondary romance in the book that needed a bit more work. So I held off until just the right scenes came to mind, and putting the couple together didn’t seem so improbable.

    Just for fun, I thought I’d cast the movie of this book:



    For Josh Duval, the wounded Marine, I’d cast Hayden Christensen:

    Hayden Christensen




    For the part of Marko, I’d like to see Mike Epps in the role:


    Mike Epps



    I’d cast an unknown actress in the part of Nevaeh. An excerpt of the novel can be found here


  • YA Contemporary

    HEAVEN – the little story that could . . .

    What a pleasant surprise! HEAVEN was first submitted to Amazon’s Break Through Novel Award Contest back in 2011. It made the quarterfinals but didn’t go any further.  Though the ABNA Publisher’s Weekly reviewer liked the characters, the storyline didn’t grab them. Fair enough. It was shelved, but a decision was made to see just what the public might think, especially since the Vine reviewers on Amazon were very gracious and complimentary on the excerpt and blurb. Following up on a hunch (tastes are subjective after all) we decided to bring it back after a few tweaks in the story. However the excerpt under Free Chapter Views on this site and simultaneously  on Scribd.com have generated the most reads out of all the other excerpts wikkidsexycool.com lists as a free read. It was supposed to be out in July, but didn’t quite make it. September is more realistic. Looks like the editing won’t be finished until late October.
