- #BlackGirlMagic, Adult Fantasy, Adult Novella, Adult Novellas, Contemporary Romance, E books, Graphic Novel, IR erotic romance, New Adult, Paranormal romance, Urban Fantasy
Link for more information on House Velaryon:
Love a Black Woman Out Loud
- #BlackGirlMagic, Adult Fantasy, Adult Novella, Adult Novellas, Contemporary Romance, E books, IR erotic romance, Paranormal romance
Writing, Reading, Editing and more Editing
YES, I have new books coming out.
Thank you readers, for your patience.
This stunning background illustration was created by Dietrich01 from PIXABAY.COM
Link to pic: https://pixabay.com/photos/magician-forest-wolf-fantasy-mood-3047235/
Link to Lothar Dieterich’s PIXABAY page with more of his work:
- #BlackGirlMagic, Adult Fantasy, E books, IR erotic romance, Novella, Of interest, Paranormal romance, Urban Fantasy
Black Witches
UPDATE – Family comes first, so I had to step away from writing in order to help out.
I hope to get back on track with book releases. My sincere apologies for the delay.
Here’s a blast from the past:
On the cover of Nino Ferrer’s 1974 album Nino and Radiah, beautiful American model/actress/singer Radiah Frye, (wiki bio is in French, view on Google to translate into English). A jazzy soul song from this album can heard here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s0-tbR-nzs
Radiah Frye’s daughter is choreographer Mia Frye.
Kinda, sorta cover reveal:
The promo above is a mock up cover from my upcoming black witch series, though the title will be different.