Werewolves Rule, Bruh
I was so excited when I saw this poster, because I thought WOLVES would be a weekly TV series starring Jason Momoa.
It’s not, but who knows? Perhaps it will be. Right now its a soon to be released film about werewolves.
I couldn’t resist doing some photo editing:
I love Werewolves, and I’ve been a fan ever since the old black and white classic with Lon Chaney Jr. started playing on television. Lon wasn’t a Werewolf though. He was a Wolf Man. But his angst over becoming a monster by the light of the full moon and hurting the woman he loved was way before the whole Interview with the Vampire and Twilight craze (No surprise that I was team Jacob from the get-go).
Sequel to Razher delayed
I won’t be able to publish Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles just yet. Since I didn’t make my deadline I’m releasing a free sneak peek while I work on some plot points in the book. A sequel always has more riding on it, and I want to get things right. I also need to finalize which cover to use, because I’ve created a number of them.
Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles mock cover 2 -
JR Ward cover, and more Havoc
Just saw the cover for JR Ward’s new BDB novel:
The King, the new Black Dagger Brotherhood novel by JR Ward. Release date is March, 2014 Just for the fun of it, I decided to bring Wrath’s hair out a bit more 🙂
With a very quick bit of photo editing, I loosened Wrath’s hair and made his green eyes pop a bit more. I think this model reminds me of the actor who plays Eric on True Blood. Plus the throne kinda puts me in mind of HBO’s Game of Thrones. Well, back to my own PN Romance books. I’ve completed another Havoc promo:
Havoc the Gargoyle from RAZHER, and the sequel RAZHER, Rise of the Gargoyles -
Cover Reveals and a snippet from Razher II
I love creating covers and promos. I learned Photoshop (my daughter was so patient with me 🙂 ) but I also work with Paint.net. The covers serve as both ads for upcoming releases, and to showcase the beauty and variety among of women of color.
The Player Sequel to The Stone Boy, The Stone Hero takes place over five years later The Stone Hero is the sequel to The Stone Boy. All the characters from The Stone Boy are back, and it gives me a chance to introduce a deaf Afro-Cuban teen named Trayvon Wilfredo Lima who has his own book:
Unspoken ebook cover Now, here’s a scene from Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles:
How We Do
Still tweaking The Stone Boy. I didn’t get a chance to devote as much time to editing as I’d wanted. My 9 to 5 was quite hectic this week.
More promos for upcoming books:
Love and Baseball. Canadian First Nations teen falls for Barbados beauty Xian brothers, from RAZHER Rise of the Gargoyles -
Updates on sequels and business moves
Excerpts from the sequel to Jukebox are almost done and I hope to have them up shortly.
JUKEBOX Volume II What’s surprising is how readers have responded to RAZHER.
Razher, the teen She-Wolf of Maori and African American heritage A bit of background on this novel. It was submitted to Alloy Entertainment (Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl) a few years ago and Alloy passed on it, but I always thought having a vampire who rises to Marvin Gaye and loves to dance, and pairing him with a Maori/African American she-wolf was a bit different than the usual paranormal stories. Adding more characters of color, like Andre Santana (Hispanic werewolf) and Havoc Xian (Chinese Gargoyle) plus an assortment of others might work if it found an audience.
And somehow, it has.
The release date for THE STONE BOY had to be pushed to next week, so I do apologize for the delay.
We’re doing location scouting for HEAVEN and trying to find the right dog(s) to play Myst.
JUKEBOX Volume Two
A bit of a teaser for JUKEBOX Volume Two, set for release in September.
Country deep Southern Rock, the first sighting of Glitter and Glam, and Soul Music gets downright Funky. Simone, Eli and Johnny are forever changed during the decade of free love, black power and violent protests over the Vietnam War.
While JUKEBOX Volume one was a YA novel, Volume Two is an adult historical.
JUKEBOX Volume Two Also, a free excerpt of the paranormal serial novella RAZHER will be up this week!
Alpha Girls Series Book One: RAZHER -
JUKEBOX – Official release on June 5th
Now that Jukebox is no longer in the running for one of the top three slots in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards, I’m releasing the ebook Tuesday, June 5th and using the semi-finalist status for marketing purposes.
I’m still trying to figure out how to add the back cover to Kindle 🙂 so I’ve downloaded a few tools to study, like Mobi and Calibre.
Back cover of JUKEBOX Volume One Congrats to the finalists in YA fiction and General fiction! Please go to Amazon and read their excerpts so you can vote for the winners in these two categories.