The Final Four plus one!
My March Madness picks, plus one. Each novel is now .99 cents, and also available on Kindle Unlimited.
My Final Four plus one All my novels, whether YA, NA or Adult contain romance.
HEAVEN: A service dog transforms the lives of the teen inmate who trains her and the wounded marine who becomes her owner.
RUSH: Outlaw Motorcycle gang member falls for Somali Bantu refugee.
The Stone Boy: A girl witnesses the end of her parents marriage while beginning a tumultuous affair with a troubled boy
JUKEBOX volume one: Mid-west teens form an interracial singing duo in their small, still segregated town.
RAZHER: She wolf avoids an arranged marriage with the help of a Russian vampire and Chinese gargoyle.
Race and Romance
I’ve decided to write a few blogs posts regarding Race and Romance, to be housed in another section of this site. I hope to put up the first post this Saturday, since I’m using the long weekend off from work to hunker down and get more stories finished.
A few novellas I’ve created covers for that I’m currently working on are below, and they feature a number of older characters. I think all these models are stunningly beautiful women and I’m committed to the creation of works that feature diversity, but also making certain my covers represent not just African American women, but women of color from around the globe who are far too often under-represented in romance:
Valerius Rex, a sword and sandals tale set during the Fourth Crusade -
The Stone Boy is Live!
The Stone Boy is now up on Amazon. A promotional book trailer will be up later this week. As I teaser, I’ve found this cool photo of a kid with cornrows to use in the promo:
Derek from The Stone Boy wearing cornrows It kinda sorta goes with a scene in the book:
Stick a fork in it, because its done
The Stone Boy is done. Well, as done as I can make it with so many edits that I’ve developed eye strain. And because I didn’t meet my self imposed deadline, I’ve added several thousand more words to the book.
Promo for The Stone Boy The Stone Boy (this is the small sample, Sneak peek) I’m checking to make sure the formatting hasn’t magically shifted from my last inspection. After that, I’m gonna push the button and hopefully, it will be up before midnight tonight.
Another excerpt from the book:
The Older Heroine, First Love and The Stone Boy
We’re gearing up for the release this week of The Stone Boy. A bit later in this post I’ll paste an excerpt that isn’t in the free view or the Sneak Preview.
The 13th Step ebook The heroine in The 13th Step is in her forties when she finds love.
Book blurb: A former career soldier finds herself unprepared for civilian life and the emotional attachment she develops for a new AA member.