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    Werewolves Rule, Bruh

    I was so excited when I saw this poster, because I thought WOLVES would be a weekly TV series starring Jason Momoa.

    Wolves poster. The film is set for release this year (2014)


    It’s not, but who knows? Perhaps it will be. Right now its a soon to be released film about werewolves.

    I couldn’t resist doing some photo editing:

    Werewolves rule edited small copy2


    I love Werewolves, and I’ve been a fan ever since the old black and white classic with Lon Chaney Jr. started playing on television. Lon wasn’t a Werewolf though. He was a Wolf Man. But his angst over becoming a monster by the light of the full moon and hurting the woman he loved was way before the whole Interview with the Vampire and Twilight craze (No surprise that I was team Jacob from the get-go).