Download December 3!
Free excerpts in a number of genres will soon be available. I use these excerpts as promotional tools, and the extended excerpts can be downloaded from Amazon.com. Kindle has free software for a MAC or PC, to read ebooks. Download December will start on December 26th.
Here are a few extended excerpts that will be Free and the dates:
SENSEI – Nigerian beauty and Japanese businessman begin an unconventional romance. Free excerpt dates TBA
The Player: NFL quarterback falls for divorcée and bar owner from Trinidad.
Download the free excerpt on 12/26 – 12/27
Part II of Download Dec 2!
More free excerpts are being released this weekend!
I use these free excerpts as a way to promote my novels. From Saturday, December 12th until Monday, December 14th on AMAZON, readers can download these multichapter excerpts for free:
JUKEBOX Volume One
The Scifi Sampler featuring QUEENSREALM and OFFWORLD:
The Final Four of March Madness Revealed!!
The Sweet Sixteen teams in the NCAA tournament will be set this week, but I’ve gone ahead and picked my final four Sneak Peeks for Amazon.com:
Click for larger image:
Miss Brighton’s School for Exceptional Young Ladies
And the final Sneak Peek slot goes to . . .
Equal Opportunity Appreciation
First, here’s the link to a three chapter excerpt from the upcoming ebook RAZHER, Rise of the Gargoyles excerpt
I love men, I cannot lie. I find them fascinating, at times infuriating and oh so SEXY. So while I’ve got ebooks pairing African American heroines with white males, rest assured that I haven’t forgotten men of color. There are more ebooks coming out with male protags of Asian, African, African American, Hispanic and First Nations heritage. I’m also starting a series based on five males who share a dorm (suite) in college, but I think it will be in serial form, and housed on this site for the first few chapters.
My goal is to tie in characters from other books who pop up every now and then. I’m also still editing away, because a writer’s work is never done, especially if you write and edit your own books (like I do). I’m also working on promos so that I lessen the eye strain of editing text only, and here’s a peek at a few of them:
Sneak Peek of the Stone Boy is free!
Get a five chapter excerpt of The Stone Boy as a free download Monday (11/18) thru Wednesday (11/20).
If you enjoy the free preview, then you may want to read The Stone Boy New Adult novel. See how the love story between Nicole and Derek began before the sequel, The Stone Hero is released:
This free promo is coupled with a sneak peek of FURIES, a Paranormal Romance.