Part II of Download Dec 2!
More free excerpts are being released this weekend!
I use these free excerpts as a way to promote my novels. From Saturday, December 12th until Monday, December 14th on AMAZON, readers can download these multichapter excerpts for free:
Confessions of a Shapeshifter cast. Julian Armitage Larouche, the Victorian era vampire, Kris, the dark child, and Andre Santana, the werewolf JUKEBOX Volume One
The Scifi Sampler featuring QUEENSREALM and OFFWORLD:
There will be blood
First an update on Aaliyah’s story from the sequel to RUSH.
I’ve found a stock image for the character of Amelle, though I don’t have my title for the book truly set yet. Right now I’m just calling it RUSH 2:
RUSH 2: Aaliyah and Aiden’s story continues and Amelle’s tale begins Aaliyah made a number of decisions in book one that affected her family and their standing in the Somali Bantu community. But more important, she strayed from her religion. Book two explores what the repercussions are and how she and Aiden deal with them. Aiden has questions and concerns regarding how close Aaliyah and Turk became while he was away, as Turk’s presence is still felt even though he’s nowhere to be found. That’s all I’ll reveal for now, but the Suicide Kings re-form with a surprising new leader.
Also nearing a release date:
Confessions of a Shapeshifter cast. Julian Armitage Larouche, the Victorian era vampire, Kris, the dark child, and Andre Santana, the werewolf -
Cover Reveal and Books for Boys
Andre Santana gets his own ebook:
Click for a larger view:
Andre Santana gets his own ebook Because Andre Santana is a recurring character in several other books (he’s in Razher and Confessions of a Shapeshifter. He’s also got a cameo in Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles) I’d always planned to have a spin off book for Andre AKA Dre AKA Cadaver Dawg, and now I’ve completed the cover.
Some other books featuring males:
YA contemporary featuring Trayvon Wilfredo Lima, a hearing impaired teen who finds love. New Adult scifi HAZE -
Think Like A Man, act like a boy
We’ve narrowed the title down for the sequel to RAZHER. So far, Razher Rise of the Gargoyles got the most votes.
Razher II Rise of the Gargoyles Chaos and Ram are twins. Karnage is the oldest brother, while Havoc is the youngest. Following up on the betrayal in the first novel RAZHER, the Gargoyles and their mythology play a major part in the sequel.
Karnage Xian, from the ebook RAZHER, Rise of the Gargoyles I hope to have an excerpt up this week. The Stone Boy will be released this week. A short excerpt can be read here, and there’s a longer sneak peek version on Amazon, which includes an excerpt of the paranormal romance FURIES
Get a Sneak Peek at an epic Urban Fantasy romance
Download a free eight chapter excerpt from Confessions of a Shapeshifter this
SaturdaySunday,August 10thAugust 11th and Monday, August 12th.Confessions of a Shapeshifter ebook cover A Victorian Era Vampire and a newly turned Werewolf search for the kidnapped Djinn they both love, in Confessions of a Shapeshifter
From the excerpt:
Devastatingly handsome, sexy as hell. A chick magnet, and he was hanging out at her restaurant. Thank you God. But he was scowling at her when he spoke. “Where were you yesterday?”
She wanted to say Excuse me? That’s none of your damn business. But she didn’t. That kind of courage wasn’t in her. Plus she needed this job. So she just smiled and shrugged her shoulders, pulling out her waitress pad to take his order.
He’d seen the flash of hurt in her eyes when he questioned her, so Julian’s tone was softer this time. “I was worried about you, so I made inquiries. They said you took the day off. Is everything well at home?”
“Um hum.”
What kind of answer was that? Julian sat upright, a huffy expression now on his face. He toyed with the eating ware that had been placed on the table. It was stainless steel, not the pure silver he was used to.
“Not to your liking M’lord?” she asked, smiling even broader at his pained expression.
Her god awful cockney accent, even in jest produced a deeper frown this time. “Aria, really, you must learn-” he began, as if about to give a student a stern lecture. He stopped in mid-sentence, realizing he was doing it again. Sounding too authoritarian. He shifted in his chair and his voice dropped to a whisper. “I’ll…I’ll just have coffee please. Espresso.”
Okay. Cool. She could work with that. Except… “Don’t you ever get hungry? I mean, you sit here all day but you never order any food.”
“Would you like me to?”
Read an excerpt from Confessions of a Shapeshifter
Diversity Matters
Upcoming novella offerings from Wikkid.Sexy.Cool:
UnSpoken UnSpoken – A deaf Cuban American teen faces challenges as a runaway.
Introducing Malia Toussaint: Witchling
Witch just got real. Meet Malia Toussaint, Teen Witchling extraordinaire Malia’s YA Paranormal excerpt can be read here.