It’s Not Over Until Its Over
She’s the girl that got away, and newly elected House of Representatives member Brandon Wingate is intent on winning her back.
Pictured: Brandon Wingate and Kenya Paul, from the political erotic romance IVY LEAGUE Solo promo pic of Kenya Paul Excerpt:
Brandon darted through traffic, trying to catch up to the girl who reminded him so much of Kenya. Same build, same deep brown skin color excerpt her hair was straight, in some sort of shoulder length style that flipped under. And her outfit was plain. Nothing close to the colorful sweaters and sneakers Kenya loved to wear in college. By the time he caught up to the woman she’d dashed into a restaurant that had a line snaking around several tables. He stood directly behind her, wondering how he’d approach this. What if she wasn’t Kenya? This could be awkward, saying that she reminded him of someone else. He needed something besides visual conformation. He needed voice recognition. He needed-
Thankfully her phone rang and just about everyone in the place looked down at their own.
Lifting her phone out of the small purse slung diagonally over her suit jacket, one shapely leg cocked back while the other rocked up and down on the heel of her shoe. He couldn’t help watching her calf flex each time it raised and lowered.
With a ho-hum sigh she addressed the person on the other end of the line. “I just got here. Um hmm. Consider it done.”
As Kenya slid her phone back in her purse, Brandon made his move. “Kenya? Kenya Paul?”
She turned around to find him with a smile so wide, it was like he’d won the lottery. “Brandon? Oh wow, this is a surprise.”
Release Date – November 15th
Many thanks to all the readers who’ve downloaded a FREE Sneak Peek excerpt of IVY LEAGUE and The Gorgeous Nothings, Bree and Stone
These books are scheduled for release on November 15th. Tomorrow (11/2) is the last day to download a free extended excerpt of both ebooks.
LGBTQ activist Kenya Paul reconnects on Capitol Hill with Brandon Wingate, a conservative congressman in the IR erotic romance IVY LEAGUE Pictured: Bree and Stone, from the IR erotic romance The Gorgeous Nothings Additional Excerpt from The Gorgeous Nothings:
“This isn’t happening,” he muttered, pacing around the room. “Somebody’s gonna walk in on us, like your dad.”
I giggled, loving how unnerved he was about the whole thing. “If it bothers you that much then just lock the door.”
“No.” With a shaky finger he pointed to my pants on the floor. “You-you put your jeans back on.”
“Only if you look at me. And I mean really look at me, Stone.”
He shook his head. I’d never seen his eyes that big before. They were wide and wild, like some animal trapped in a house, a poor creature filled with anxiety because they don’t know how to escape. It wasn’t funny anymore, so I reached for my jeans. “Never mind, this was stupid.” How pathetic was I?
“Bree, wait. You have a beautiful body.”
Trigger Warnings
Free Sneak Peeks go into effect tomorrow, Oct 31st until Wednesday, Nov. 2nd for the upcoming ebooks Ivy League and The Gorgeous Nothings, Bree and Stone.
I’ve got a couple of books that I’ve decided to label with a trigger warning.
Here’s the definition of a trigger warning:
A statement at the start of a piece of writing, video, etc., alerting the reader or viewer to the fact that it contains potentially distressing material (often used to introduce a description of such content).
The Gorgeous Nothings deals with sexual assault on a college campus. Since the assault happens to the lead character, I think its only fair to warn readers who may find the subject matter upsetting, especially if they have experienced rape. The Sneak Peek doesn’t contain the assault scene, that’s why there’s no trigger warning on it.
Pictured: Bree Silvestre and Stone Ulrich, from the IR erotic romance The Gorgeous Nothings I’m debating whether I should put a trigger warning on SENSEI, since the lead character experiences both rape and sexual trafficking. However, in SENSEI, I don’t use first person or have the main character describe in detail what happened to her.
As I familiarize myself with Amazon’s publishing process again (it’s been almost a year since I uploaded a manuscript), the Sneak Peeks serve a number of purposes for me. While Sneak Peeks are for marketing purposes, I’m able to correct format errors and process any changes Amazon has made. All my books, from the covers to the blurbs, are created in-house.
IVY League is a love story that begins in college and continues on Capitol Hill. Kenya Paul is a liberal and active in the LGBTQ community. Brandon is conservative, and has just been elected to the House of Representatives when they re-connect in Washington, DC.
Pictured: Kenya Paul and Brandon Wingate, lead characters from the IR romance IVY LEAGUE -
All the Fine Young Cannibals
I’m ready to start marketing upcoming releases, so this weekend I’ll have a number of FREE extended chapter excerpts on Amazon and SCRIBD. I use excerpts as promotional tools for my books.
The other reason I use Sneak Peeks (especially on Amazon) is because periodically, the company changes it algorithms. If you are a new writer its important to be aware of this. Here are two recent articles on the subject (be sure to read the comments section also):
I’ve had some plot details to iron out (I mean, who could’ve predicted the rise of Donald Trump?), but I plan on releasing extended SNEAK PEEKS for:
Kenya Paul and Brandon Jefferson Wingate take on Capitol Hill as a couple Bisexual LGBTQ activist Kenya Paul falls for conservative Brandon J. Wingate Promos from IVY LEAGUE Click the photo to read an excerpt of the erotic romance SENSEI New Adult erotic romance SNEAK PEEK will also be up:
When a book writes itself
This is the third time its happened. The first time was when I penned The Stone Boy. Then it was the refugee/biker romance RUSH, featuring the motorcycle gang The Suicide Kings. It happened again with an upcoming ebook, and I can’t explain why it happens, but sometimes a story line, its characters and most of all, the scenes(dialogue and descriptions) are clear enough to type, and the pages soon make up a book.
Readers, thank you for your patience. I’m gearing up for a roll out beginning this month. Because I’ve been busy writing, I’ll need to do some marketing. Part, but not all of the roll out will include free sneak peak promos with several chapters to generate interest. Advertising and marketing can sometimes be the toughest part of being an indie writer, so please keep on the look out for:
She’s bisexual and a democrat. He’s straight and conservative. Somehow the left and the right will meet in the middle. Who needs a fairy godmother when you’ve got three sister-witches in your corner? Because it will take the power of three to face off against an old adversary, in order to give this couple a happy ending. Pagan, Ondine and Lilith, witches from the ebook Long Ago and Far Away Lilith, the head witch in charge