Yasssss . . . March Madness
March Madness is back! I’ll have reduced priced ebooks and sneak peeks at the new ones that will be released. I write because I love crafting stories. What I’m terrible at is sticking to a release date, because all of a sudden a new scene will pop into my head, or I’ll need to do another edit. So please believe me when I say, thanks to all you readers who’ve been patient. The Queen of Comedy and other longer works are a priority, and I’m diligently working on making them the best tales that I can.
Yassss . . . Lovers Lisa and Seth, from Reinventing Lisa Excerpt:
Silence greeted Seth’s ears as fear flooded his body. Moonlight made it easier to realize Lisa wasn’t taking in a midnight snack. The kitchen was just as spotless as they’d left it. In the stillness he grew aware of steady breathing, and the sense that he was being watched. Seth rotated in the direction of the hallway that connected several first floor rooms, stopping to squint his eyes and focus on the living room.
She was sitting in the rocking chair with a duvet covering her.
Instead of a response, Lisa drew her knees up to her chin. Seth called out to her again. “Lisa? What’s wrong?”
“I-I saw you just like that, the first day I was here.”
“Like what?” Each footstep brought him closer to her.
Seth dropped his head. Placing one bare foot behind the other, he reversed course. “And it didn’t scare you off?”
“No.” Her next words were muffled by the duvet. “I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”
The Black Experience in Comedy
Black History Month starts tomorrow, so I thought I’d start publishing some excerpts from The Queen of Comedy. TQOC is a generational and historical novel about a family of entertainers. Their craft is comedy, and while the book does include romance, the focus is more on the black celebrity during segregation, and what they had to go through.
I use the love/hate relationship between a woman who was cast as a maid in a number of films, and her nephew, a man who becomes a stand up comedian during the 60s.
The Queen of Comedy takes center stage Brilliant comic. Flawed woman. One legendary career.
Most people recognize the face, if not the name. That apple cheeked, rich brown face with the inviting smile that adorns baking products worldwide. Older movie goers fondly recall her role as the friendly, wise cracking maid in over one hundred films. But to her family and spurned lovers, the tongue of Honi Hawkins was brutally uncompromising and anything but funny, as she fought to become THE QUEEN OF COMEDY. ©Excerpt:
It was like James Brown sang, “This is a Man’s World.” David even did his own grass. He bought one of those riding lawn mowers, and when he wasn’t at the studio he raced around on it like a cowboy sitting tall in the saddle. He started wearing slouchy cardigan sweaters like Bing Crosby always wore, and carrying a pipe like Bob Hope. He even insisted that Contessa have a martini ready for him when he came home from a long hard day at the studio. They were almost happy, almost content. So when David read in the paper about the growing violence in the Negro community, he found himself agreeing with the intellectuals that blamed the unrest on the poor and uneducated. His people became “those” people, because in his mind he was being treated just fine. The race problem didn’t affect him outright. He was living the American Dream. So this was no time to be trippin’. At the studio he found himself hard pressed to explain the actions of other Negroes. The studio even sent a memo, cautioning him against associating with “troublemakers,” reminding him of the morality clause in his contract. So he suffered in silence, unwilling to explode because if he did, he knew his dream world would come crashing down around him.
Digital Visuals
It’s Saturday, so in addition to working on my writing I work on book promos. I found a great werewolf pic by Rhabwar Troll Stock. Since the artist gave permission on his site regarding usage (attribution in addition to other stipulations) I’ve paired it with a digital manipulation I’d done on the werewolf character of Andre Santana, who’s featured in several of my paranormal ebooks (Razher, American Werewolf and NIGHTSTALKERS)
Andre Santana turning – Photomanipulated Werewolf by Rhabwar Troll Stock/DeviantArt Promo for the NIGHTSTALKERS:
Nightstalkers – Pictured from left to right – Ronin Bey, Fire Drake, Ash the Hellion, Andre Santana, Werewolf, Karnage Xian, Gargoyle JUKEBOX Vol One – IR historical romance To be continued . . .
Woman is Boss
That’s the fictional hit song of a Trini rapper named Ozzy AKA The Great OZ from The Player. This ebook is part of my Caribbean Queens Series.
The Great Oz, from T&T I’m releasing excerpts from all three books (excerpts from The Player and Love and Baseball are already up on this site). Next comes Game.Set.Love. featuring Tristan “Didi” Botha and Sinead Landon, two tennis doubles pros who fall madly in love. Carnival is what connects all three heroines. Sinead is from Jamaica,
More FUBU books, and down to the wire
I’ve put up excerpts from The Player and The 13th Step.
The Player The 13th Step would be categorized as women’s fiction, though there is an erotic relationship in the book. It’s also part suspense and features an older heroine (she’s forty-five). Click either photo for a blurb and an excerpt.
More to come . . .
New Excerpts
What I’m up to . . .
Working on: Editing Love scenes
Listening to: Maxwell’s Whenever Wherever Whatever and Robin Thicke’s Lost Without You
For which books: HEAVEN and The Queen of Comedy
The Queen of Comedy takes center stage Excerpts from Queensrealm and the Queen of Comedy will be up this weekend.
Rockabilly meets sultry soul, as two singers team up to become the ultimate duo in the early sixties. E book look inside excerpt can be found here: