• Adult Fantasy,  Contemporary Romance,  E books

    African and Asian leads


    Meet Thomas Nomad. His adventures with the dark side are part of my experiment with genre forms. I’m still working on his GIF promo



    Nomad promo frame with text
    Asian American lead Thomas Nomad



    Asian and African American couple1A copy with FX1 watermarked
    Asian and African American couple for a new novella



    interracial lovers2B copy with FX edited
    Interracial love gallery pic



    A and A A lovers FXcopy
    IR romance gallery manipulated photo



    I wasn’t satisfied with my ending for GAIJIN, so I’ve changed it (for the better I hope)


    GAIJIN final2A cover
    GAIJIN – A free woman is enslaved, until a samurai pledges his sword . . . and his love




    Gaijin- a Colored Maiden's Voyage and Recollections of Japan
    GAIJIN- a Colored Maiden’s Voyage and Recollections of Japan are chronicled