Alessia Kumakirri is a Shewah gaardian, a trusted consul and the last line of defense for the once and future child-king. Taught to harness pain and reveal the motivations of others, she’s yet to tap the conjurer within, a gift that brings terror to all those who challenge her. But with great magik comes madness, and the teen fears what awaits in the darkness of her mind.
Kadek No’am knows a cutthroat is only one step ahead of his own death, and that another dogs his every move, a watcher noting his quick ascent, one who can summon the shadows laying waste to the land. By himself, he’s no match for this fearsome adversary, but under the tutelage of Vlahos Leonidas Sinclair, who is also known as “The Man of Many Centuries” they will fight to hold back the evil invading their world.

Pictured: from left to right: Kadek No’am, Janhoy 1st Class. Upper right: The Child King, Tydaris Ridae, Cura Regis Divine. Lower right: Leonidas Sinclair, Man of Many Centuries
Credits for Steampunk model with braids: wardrobe and styling: Kit Stolen.
Steampunk model with leather mouth piece: Famke Backx, photographer
Goggled hat Steampunk model: inhauscreative photography