Contemporary Romance,  E books

Release weekend is here!

I’ve got three books coming out this weekend (Whew! Yes, I was shooting for Valentine’s day – as per my ad on Dear Author, but with a three day weekend, I want one more edit to make certain that what I release is truly ready for prime time).

I had three goals for all three books. That is, to immerse the reader in the world of ballet for the ebook HUI,  and the same goes for US football in the ebook The Player. Ditto for At Last, where readers get some heavy duty info on a paraplegic male’s search for a serious romantic relationship.


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North Korean ballet dancer Le Jong Hui does a Grand Jete, from the ebook HUI




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Le Jong Hui and Imani Fairchild, from the interracial romance set in the world of ballet, called HUI



All three books have romance at their core, or I should say an interracial romance. And for two of them, the lead female characters are over thirty-five.

Yes, the wait is almost over.



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Kyle and Harlow, from the ebook The Player





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Ethan and Torii, from the ebook At Last



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Torii and Ethan, the lead characters from At Last





In other news, when I ran across this company  I was so excited! I have no idea how I missed their PR last year, but I’m definitely gonna purchase their lingerie for me and mine. What a great idea, and it fills a serious need for women of color. The models are gorgeous!



lingerie in different skin tones by Nubian Skin
Finally! Lingerie devoted to the woman of color. It’s called Nubian Skin


 Article on Nubian skin:



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