Adult Novella, Adult Novellas, Blog, Contemporary Romance, E books, Excerpts, Historical fiction, Historical womens fiction, New Adult, Paranormal romance
Plan B
Hmmm . . . it was faster to file a copyright and upload my Sampler on Scribd than
So, I’ve gotta go with Plan B. Click the cover and you’ll be re-directed to SCRIBD: **Update** Since its now live on Amazon I’ve taken it off Scribd in accordance with Amazon’s terms of service. Click the cover and it re-directs to the Amazon page:
A FREE PDF download is available for a limited time on SCRIBD. Just click the little “Share on social networks icon” to the right of the page:
**UPDATE** So the book is live on Amazon but the wait continues, because the nearest date to list it as free is tomorrow, Sept 30th.