• Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Excerpts,  Historical fiction,  New Adult,  Scifi

    Last Day for FREE excerpt downloads on Amazon

    Thank you, thank you THANK YOU! To all those who’ve tweeted and spread the word about the free Sneak Peek downloads this weekend. Since these are excerpts from novels, there was no way to know if any readers would be interested. So I’m very happy about the progress of The Scifi Sampler:


    FREE rankings for Excerpts on 5/11
    FREE rankings for Excerpts on 5/11

    Multicultural Scifi is another passion of mine. And QUEENSREALM is the next book coming out, so I hope all those who like to read scifi or futuristic military tales, or read about hot alien virgin heroes, or even THE ONE books (but this time a woman of color saves the world), well, I hope this book will appeal to those who like conflicted, but kick ass heroines.

    The "Allies" of QUEENSREALM
    The “Allies” of QUEENSREALM


    A new excerpt from QUEENSREALM:

    So this was where Banks threw the dissidents. They never escaped. He just had the Bog devour them,

  • Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Uncategorized

    The Final Four of March Madness Revealed!!

    The Sweet Sixteen teams in the NCAA tournament will be set this week, but I’ve gone ahead and picked my final four Sneak Peeks for Amazon.com:


    Motorcycle gang member Aiden falls for Somali Bantu refugee Aaliyah, in the ebook RUSH
    Motorcycle gang member Aiden falls for Somali Bantu refugee Aaliyah, in the ebook RUSH



    Scenes from RUSH





    GAIJIN ebook cover
    A free woman of color is enslaved in 1860s Japan


    Click for larger image:

    Gaijin - A Colored Maiden's Voyage and Recollections of Japan in the 1860s
    Gaijin – A Colored Maiden’s Voyage and Recollections of Japan in the 1860s



    Miss Brighton’s School for Exceptional Young Ladies


    Miss Brighton's School for Exceptional Young Ladies
    Miss Brighton’s School for Exceptional Young Ladies


    A time traveler must alter the past to ensure the world has a future
    A time traveler must alter the past to ensure the world has a future


    And the final Sneak Peek slot goes to . . .

  • Adult Novellas,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  Historical fiction,  Historical womens fiction,  New Adult,  Paranormal romance,  Scifi,  Urban Fantasy,  YA Paranormal

    Download December!


    It’s Download December, where readers can get early access to some of the new books coming out from wikkid.sexy.cool.com

    Starting this week, multiple chapter excerpts will be available to download on Amazon. The excerpts will be in a variety of genres, from scifi, military, suspense, new adult and commercial fiction (with a romance and diverse characters at the core of each story)



    A motorcycle gang protecting their territory

    Refugees attempting to revitalize a run-down area

    A deranged man determined to keep his loved ones imprisoned

    It all begins and ends in a RUSH




  • E books,  New Adult,  Paranormal romance

    Sequel to Razher delayed


    I won’t be able to publish Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles just yet. Since I didn’t make my deadline I’m releasing a free sneak peek while I work on some plot points in the book. A sequel always has more riding on it, and I want to get things right. I also need to finalize which cover to use, because I’ve created a number of them.

    Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles mock cover 2


  • Blog,  Contemporary Romance,  E books,  New Adult,  Novella,  YA Contemporary

    New Sneak Peek up on Amazon

    There’s a six chapter excerpt of The Stone Boy up on Amazon.com



    Sneak Peek: The Stone boy excerpt


    It’s listed at 99 cents, however the free download will start on Friday, which means the release date of the full book has been pushed to next week.

    I use these Sneak Peeks as a way to promote upcoming ebooks and also to spread the word on wikkid.sexy.cool.com

    Now I’m working on the promos for QUEENSREALM, an adult scifi. Like all our novels, Queensrealm has a romance at the center of the story. I hope to have most of the promo material up by later in the day.