The Return of Black Cool & RIP Maya Angelou
There was a time when men and women (including African Americans) wore tuxedos and gowns on stage and on television. It’s that time period that’s revisited in the novel The Queen of Comedy. There’s a free sneak peek of the novel on Amazon, and it will be available on Kindle for free on these dates: May 31st, June 1st and June 2nd.
The Temptations, circa 1965 Maya Angelou promo picture “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.” – Maya Angelou (1928-2014)
The LA Times has a tribute to Maya Angelou that Dear Author listed this week:
Maya Angelou’s TV legacy, from ‘Roots’ to ‘Sesame Street,’ ‘Super Soul’
I’m taking a few more days to work on Queensrealm, but The Queen of Comedy will also be released in June
Poster for The Queen of Comedy -
Twist and Shout
I’m hunkering down to finish up checking my OMG (Outlaw Biker Gang) facts in RUSH.
Scenes from RUSH Aiden and Aaliyah from RUSH This book was supposed to be out weeks ago,but unfortunately, life interrupted. I’m also finishing up the storyline twists in RAZHER, Rise of the Gargoyles
Razher promo small copy and QUEENSREALM.
QUEENSREALM – A woman is a weapon -
Two Queens and a Knight
Finishing up more editing on Queensrealm and The Queen of Comedy. It’s the battle of the sexes (Queensrealm) vs. A war of words between comedic relatives (TQOC). I’m debating whether to release OFFWORLD next, but first I have to get familiar with Amazon’s categories and key words for scifi, urban fantasy and scifi romance.
The Queen of Comedy takes center stage The Queen of Comedy New Queensrealm ebook cover copy More ebook covers:
New Adult scifi HAZE mock up cover -
The Stone Boy and a new cover for QUEENSREALM
The free six chapter download for The Stone Boy ends tomorrow. The excerpt is paired with a sneak peek of FURIES.
Currently working on: Promo materials for QUEENSREALM.
Here’s the new cover:
New Queensrealm ebook cover copy “The tyranny of man must be defeated by the treachery of Woman” – Amerikka X, shortly before her death
What is QUEENSREALM? Well, it’s a dystopian tale of earth, where man and woman are at war. There’s a virgin alien hero, a reluctant leader, a homicidal child, and lots of sex and betrayal.
I’ll have more promo material up shortly.