Going back in order to go forward
I’m busy working to get HUI and The Player released this weekend, as I try to figure out which novels will be part of MARCH MADNESS
I’ve decided that after HUI is released, I’ll complete the next round of edits on books that need to go on sale.
I haven’t forgotten about my book sequels. The excerpt for RUSH 2 will be up this weekend:
RUSH: A Suicide Kings motorcycle gang novella, featuring Aiden and Aaliyah. Aiden and Aaliyah’s story continues in RUSH: The Book of Aaliyah Ebooks related to this series :
Click the image for an excerpt
Anatomy of a Seduction is Rory’s tale. Rory is a character first introduced in RUSH Make Me Yours. African American divorcee falls for her Somali Bantu college professor, Daniel Semboga, who was first introduced in RUSH Unforgettable, a spin off novella from The RUSH: Suicide Kings Motorcycle Gang series -
Cover Reveals and a snippet from Razher II
I love creating covers and promos. I learned Photoshop (my daughter was so patient with me 🙂 ) but I also work with Paint.net. The covers serve as both ads for upcoming releases, and to showcase the beauty and variety among of women of color.
The Player Sequel to The Stone Boy, The Stone Hero takes place over five years later The Stone Hero is the sequel to The Stone Boy. All the characters from The Stone Boy are back, and it gives me a chance to introduce a deaf Afro-Cuban teen named Trayvon Wilfredo Lima who has his own book:
Unspoken ebook cover Now, here’s a scene from Razher, Rise of the Gargoyles:
Not Your Average Contemporary Heroes
HEAVEN will be up this week, although I may have to change the date again, this time to the
18ththe 19th.I got a creative burst just before publishing it, so I decided to pull the ebook and include the new info. My marketing/promo for the full novel will be an eleven chapter, two day free download.
Free Eleven chapter download starts tomorrow on Amazon!
Before I Let go ebook cover. Damon Salas, Traumatic brain injury, Dominican/Puerto-Rican hero. Unspoken ebook cover. Trayvon Wilfredo-Lima, deaf Afro-Cuban teen hero Sneak Peek promo ebook of HEAVEN. Josh Duval, PTSD, physically challenged hero And yes, I changed the first name of my Afro-Cuban character in honor of Trayvon Martin.