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Money, honey

A first look at the cover and a hint about the story line for RUSH 2 The Book of Aaliyah:


New Cover for RUSH 2A small copy


I have always been under the control and care of men. In the beginning of my life I followed orders because it was expected and I had no choice. But I am in America now. Here, I have chosen a different path  – Aaliyah, from RUSH 2, The Book of Aaliyah


Okay, so I figured since I was already in Washington, DC with this new ebook about the elite on Capitol Hill:






I might as well do a spin off novella about another beautiful, brainy and wealthy woman who’s featured in Ivy League:


The Harder They Fall small copy



Photo of Washington, DC by night courtesy of David ILiff

URL Link:




THTF6 small copy



Photo of Washington, DC by night courtesy of David ILiff

URL Link:



Here’s the cover for the WSC ebook sampler:


WSC ebook sampler small copy



To be continued . . .

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